(Current as of January 2019)
The name of this organization shall be known as the Yellowstone Radio Club Inc., (aka), YRC, whose headquarters are located in Billings, Montana. The Yellowstone Radio Club is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 Public Charity Organization. The Employer Identification No. is 80-0963636. The mailing address is P.O. Box 883, Billings, MT. 59103
The objective of the Club shall be to provide an association for persons commonly interested in amateur radio, (aka), Ham Radio. The Club shall also promote a general interest in amateur radio and facilitate the exchange of information between members. The Club shall advance the welfare of amateur radio in the general community.
Section 1. Eligibility and Election – Any person with an interest in amateur radio shall be eligible for membership and shall become a member upon payment in advance of annual dues.
Section 2. Classification – Members shall be classified as Full or Lifetime. A Full or Lifetime member shall be any member who holds a valid amateur radio license as issued by the Federal Communication Commission. A Full or Lifetime member shall have the right to full participation in the Club, including the right to vote. New hams will be offered a “Provisional” one-year free membership, which must be accepted by the new ham. Acceptance of the free membership by the new ham shall be made either verbally, or in writing, to the YRC Treasurer, or to the Secretary. Upon acceptance, and upon having attended at least two YRC Club meetings within one year of receiving their ham radio license, new hams will then have Full Membership and voting rights. Any member, regardless of their classification, shall not have any voting rights unless they have attended at least two YRC Club meetings during the year in which they wish to cast their vote on YRC Club issues.
Section 3. Membership Dues – The annual membership fees are twenty-five- dollars ($25) for individual memberships, thirty-five dollars ($35) for family memberships, and fifteen dollars ($15) for repeater donations. There shall be no membership fee assessed to any person under the age of 18, and a one-year free membership shall be automatically extended to any new Ham who has successfully completed their Technician or higher-class license. Membership fees can be paid in full at the January banquet or can be paid 1/2 in January and the other 1/2 by April. The membership fees may be changed by adoption of a resolution by the Board of Directors followed by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a regular meeting. Renewal fees not paid by the regular meeting in April shall be delinquent and shall result in cancellation of membership.
Section 4. Cancellation of Membership – Memberships may be canceled voluntarily by the member or involuntarily by the Club for delinquent dues. Cancellation of membership for cause may be initiated by submission of a petition to the Club Secretary signed by 10% or more of the Full members. The Board of Directors shall review each case and attempt a resolution between the signers of the petition and the subject member who is named in the petition. If a resolution cannot be achieved, the decision shall be placed before the membership at a regular meeting. A vote of two-thirds of the Full members present will be required to effect cancellation of the membership. If the membership of any member ceases, either voluntarily or involuntarily, no refund of fees or dues shall be made.
Section 5. For a member to be eligible to run for office, the member must be a member in good standing and must have been a member of the Club for one full year.
Section 6. Lifetime Membership. A Lifetime Membership, together with all rights and privileges thereto, shall be granted to any member upon payment of $500 to the YRC Treasurer.
Section 1. Regular Meetings - The regular meeting of the Club shall be held on the third Monday of each month, except for January, July, and August. The regular meeting date shall not be changed or canceled without the approval of a simple majority of the Full members at a regular meeting.
Section 2. Annual Meeting - The annual meeting of the membership shall be held at the December regular meeting for the purpose of the election of Officers and Director(s), in addition to the regular transaction of Club business. The newly elected officers and directors shall take office on the following January 1st.
Section 3. Quorum of Members – A quorum for any regular meeting shall consist of a minimum of nine Full Members who are in attendance at the YRC meeting. When votes are cast by the quorum the majority vote will prevail.
Section 4, Special Meetings – Special meetings of the Club can be called as needed by the Board of Directors with a two-week notice to all members. Notification for these meetings should be made over the local VHF repeaters and by electronic mail.
Section 1. Officers and Election –The officers of the Club shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trustee. The President and Vice President shall be elected in alternate years by the members who have attended at least 2 previous meetings during the year by a simple majority vote at the Annual meeting and shall serve a term of two years and shall be limited to two consecutive terms of office. The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed annually from among the members by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors and ratified by a 2/3 vote from the Club members at the Annual Meeting. The Trustee shall serve until withdrawal from office either voluntary or involuntary. The Trustee’s term of office will mirror the appointment as Trustee by the FCC. The newly elected officers and directors shall take office on the following January 1st. All officers shall serve until their successors are elected and qualified.
Section 2. President –The President shall preside over all meetings when present, including meetings of the Board of Directors. The President shall exercise general supervision over the activities and operations of the Club. The President shall select members to serve as chairpersons of committees either by asking for volunteers or by appointment.
Section 3. Vice President –During the absence of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President.
Section 4. Secretary – The Secretary shall record and keep the minutes of all regular Club meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall also keep current accurate copies of all official Club documents and shall make them available to members at reasonable times and places when requested. The Secretary shall be in charge of correspondence. The Secretary may choose an assistant to aid with Secretarial duties.
Section 5. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall receive all funds, deposit, and keep them in a financial institution selected and approved by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate record of all funds received and expended and shall regularly report to the membership on the financial status of the Club.
Section 6. Trustee- The Trustee shall be the custodian of radio equipment owned or operated by the Club, including the VHF repeater equipment at all repeater sites current and future. The Trustee must maintain a valid amateur radio operator license of proper grade to permit legal operation of any Club transmitting equipment. The Trustee also controls the use of Club assigned FCC call sign for special events such as Field Day, Science Expos, School events, etc.
Section 7. Removal from Office – Removal of an Officer from Office for cause may be initiated by a submission of a petition to the Club Secretary signed by fifteen percent (15%) or more of the members. The Board of Directors shall review each case and attempt a resolution between the signers of the petition and the subject Officer who is named in the petition. If a resolution cannot be achieved, the decision shall be placed before the membership at a regular meeting. A vote of two-thirds of the members present will be required to effect recall from office.
Section 8. Vacancy – Any unexpired term of any officer who has resigned, been removed, or has passed away will be filled by appointment by a simple majority vote of the Board of Directors. In the event of a vacancy in the Office of Trustee, the President may appoint a temporary replacement until the next regular meeting so that the Club repeater(s) may remain in operation using the call sign of the temporary Trustee.
Section 1. Number, Qualifications and Election - The Board of Directors shall number seven and consist of the Club President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer, a representative from YARES, plus two other full members who are elected by the membership. The Directors who are also Club Officers shall be elected and serve a term as provided in Article V. Section 1. The remaining three Directors shall be elected by a simple majority vote at the Annual Meeting of the Club and serve a term of three years or until a successor has been duly elected. In the event of a vacancy, a successor shall be elected at the next regular meeting to fill the unexpired term. Only one of these three Directors shall be elected in a given year so that expiration dated of their terms do not coincide.
Section 2. Duties – The Board of Directors shall discuss and consider matters pertaining to the welfare of the Club, and at their discretion, bring such matters with recommendations before the general membership at a regular Club meeting. The Board shall select and approve a financial institution for Club funds, serve as an arbitrator for disputes involving persons, and make recommendations concerning dues.
Section 3. Meetings – The Board of Directors shall meet upon the call on any Board member at a time and place agreed upon by the Directors. The Club President shall preside over the meetings of the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Quorum of Directors – A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.
Section 5. Removal From Office – Removal of an elected Board member from Office for cause may be initiated by submission of a petition to the Club Secretary signed by fifteen percent (15%) or more of the Full members. The President shall appoint an investigating Committee consisting of no less than three Full members, excluding Board members, which shall review each case and attempt a resolution between the signers of the petition and the subject Board member who is named in the petition. If a resolution cannot be achieved, the decision shall be placed before the membership at a regular meeting. A vote of two-thirds of the Full members present shall be required to effect recall of a Director.
Section 6. Budget – The Board of Directors shall be responsible for preparing and approving an annual budget of Income and Expenses at the first Board meeting following the Annual meeting. This budget can be amended
at any Board meeting by a majority vote of the Directors. The Treasurer's disbursements shall be limited to only those budget items approved on the budget. The Board, at its discretion, may spend monies from the club's treasury as it deems appropriate, up to an amount not to exceed $500, so long as such expenditures benefit the YRC organization and its members.
Section 7. Dissolution – The Board of Directors shall be responsible for distributing any remaining funds and other assets the Club may have if and when the Club is dissolved. Such funds will go toward furthering Amateur Radio.
Section 1. Appointment – Committee chairpersons of the Health and Welfare and Field Day Committees shall be selected or removed by the YRC BOD, and shall serve a term of office until the next Annual Meeting. The members of the Repeater, Health and Welfare, and Field Day committees will be selected by the respective chair of each committee. The Repeater, Health and Welfare, and Field Day committees shall report on activities to the general membership at the regularly scheduled Club Meetings.
-Audit Committee – Sixty days prior to the Annual meeting, the President shall appoint a two person Audit Committee which will review the financial records of the Club and report their findings at the Annual meeting. The Treasurer will provide the bank statements, canceled checks, and other financial records to the Audit committee. The Audit Committee will report the audit findings to the Board of Directors.
-Repeater Committee – The Repeater Committee shall be chaired by the Trustee, and shall be responsible to assist the Trustee in the maintenance and care of equipment such as repeaters, owned and operated by the Club. If requested by the Trustee, the Repeater Committee may assist the Trustee in enforcing the duties and responsibilities detailed in the Board Resolution dated December 10, 2013, and will evaluate recommendations for any changes to the equipment, set up, frequencies, and such matters relating to the YRC-owned repeaters Any such recommendations will be referred to the Board of Directors, which when approved will be referred to the general membership,
-Health and Welfare Committee – The Health and Welfare Committee shall, on behalf of the YRC, be responsible for contacting Club members or immediate family members who are personally impacted by sickness, hospitalization or saddened by death and expressing the concern for the general membership. The Health and Welfare Committee has authority to expend up to $200 annually for Get Well Sympathy cards, postage, or such necessary expenses. The Health and Welfare Committee will also be responsible for planning the annual Club banquet.
Field Day Committee – The Field Day Committee is responsible to plan and oversee the conduct of the annual Field Day for the YRC. The Committee will decide on a suitable location for the event and will ensure that adequate space, equipment, and facilities are provided. It will also work to ensure that the public is aware of and encouraged to attend the event. Once the Field Day is concluded, the committee will draft a written After Action Report, which will include lessons learned, things that worked well, and things that need improvement for the next year. This AAR will be presented to the September Club Meeting.
-Nominating Committee –A three-person Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the President at the October YRC meeting. The Nominating Committee shall be responsible for carefully screening the membership of the Club and presenting it a slate of nominations for officers and Board of Directors whose terms expire at the end of the calendar year. This slate of nominations will be presented at the November YRC meeting. At the annual meeting the floor will be open for nominations from the general membership and an election of officers and Board of Directors will be held at the Annual meeting.
The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order shall be used as a guide for the Club in cases where they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt. Special rules of order may be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the membership present at regular meetings provided that previous notice of the special rule(s) of order is given at the previous meeting. No previous notice is required if the special rule(s) of order apply to a single session.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting PROVIDING HOWEVER, that any and all proposed amendments shall first be presented, in written format, to the YRC membership for their review and comment. At the next regular meeting the proposed amendments may be approved by a 2/3 majority of the attending and current paid members present at the meeting. A Quorum of paid members must be present for the motion to carry the approval of the proposed amendments.
I JERRY JACOBS, SECRETARY OF THE YELLOWSTONE RADIO CLUB, hereby affirm that the above stated bylaws, together with any and all amendments thereto, were reviewed and approved by a 2/3 majority of the attending and current paid members at the regular meeting of the Yellowstone Radio club held on December
17, 2018.
These bylaws supersede any and all previous bylaws of record which are associated with the Yellowstone Radio Club.